On 27.04.2016 21:13, Sebastian Burgstaller wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am lately facing the following problem: There are many (biomedical)
resources we import data from, which consist of several parts. And for
each of these parts, they use either a different identifier structure,
or they use the same identifier structure but with different accession
URLs. This is valid for very essential resources like ChEMBL (e.g.
compounds, targets, assays), miRNA database, IUPHAR and others

In order to represent and link to these resources properly in Wikidata,
how should we do this? The "easy" way is to just propose properties for
each of these parts of a resource, which also allows to specify the
proper formatter url. But this certainly would create several properties
for the same resource.

The other way would be to specify a set of formatter urls, but this
fails currently anyway, as this has not been implemented (yet). Maybe we
could specify formatter urls on a value basis which could override the
formatter url specified in the property? But I guess this requires
substantial dev time in Wikibase.

What are your thoughts/ideas?

Doing this in Wikidata is tricky and takes time. I don't even see how to do it well (note that external tools like Reasonator or SQID would also need to implement the same smart resolution mechanism). Having several properties for the same thing just because of different ID types used does not seem very compelling either.

How about building a little external referrer service that redirects IDs to the correct resource based on their structure? This could be a simple PHP-based web service hosted on Labs. In the end, the formatter URL is just for users to click on, so as long as you end up at the right place, this little indirection is maybe no problem.





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Markus Kroetzsch
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