On 5 August 2016 at 18:50, Brill Lyle <wp.brilll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I created a pretty rough, but hopefully still usable, help page for manually
> inputting and moving Authority control metadata from Wikipedia to Wikidata
> for new pages that have no associated Wikidata item.
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tours/Authority_control

Looks good! I will certainly make use of this in my training sessions..

I would move your step 7 above the current step 5.

I would also add a note that other statements should be added, not
least P31 ("instance of") => Q5 ("human").

It's good practise to check for duplicates before creating an item,
but I think it's safe to omit that step, in a case like this, in a
simple guide for Wikidata newbies.

Thanks for putting in the effort.

Andy Mabbett

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