Dear Magnus,

What do you suggest we do in the meanwhile?

-          Wait with the data ingestion process until the overhaul has been 
done? - Do you have an idea when this could be the case?

-          Ingest the data, providing the source without its “publication 
date”? – Do you think it will be possible to add the “publication date” of the 
source at a later stage by re-running the tool when it has been improved? Or is 
it better to leave out the source altogether for the time being?


From: Wikidata [] On Behalf Of 
Magnus Manske
Sent: Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016 13:56
To: Discussion list for the Wikidata project.
Subject: Re: [Wikidata] Quick Statements Tool: How to add publication date of 

The tool is missing several functions, and requires a general overhaul/rewrite. 
Haven't gotten around to it.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 12:52 PM Estermann Beat 
<<>> wrote:

I’ve recently tried in vain to add a “publication date” qualifier to a 
reference, using the Quick Statements Tool. I’ve posted the issue on Magnus’ 
Talk Page, but haven’t gotten any response so far:

Does anyone know how to do this? Or can you suggest any other tools, work 
arounds etc. to properly add the source, including the publication date, in the 
course of a larger data ingestion job?

I’m not a software programmer; thus low-threshold tools or newbie-proof 
instructions would be appreciated. ;-)


Beat Estermann
Coordinator OpenGLAM CH Working Group<>
Berne University of Applied Sciences
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