Hi all!

Here's a call for proposals for the EuropeanaTech conference, which will
take place in Rotterdam, May 15-16, 2018.

Some of the suggested topics are very Wikidata- and Wikimedia-related.

Best! Sandra (User:Spinster)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gregory Markus <gmar...@beeldengeluid.nl>
Date: Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 9:17 AM
Subject: Call for Papers: EuropeanaTech 2018 Conference
To: europeana-t...@list.ecompass.nl

Dear EuropeanaTech community

EuropeanaTech is about the practical application of research concepts and
the latest technologies to digital libraries. For this edition of
EuropeanaTech, we concentrate on t*he three D’s: Data, Discovery and
Delivery*. Intertwined are the concepts of participation, linked and big
data; language and tools. Across all the subjects we are looking for the
inclusion of rigorous evaluations of the outcomes.

The conference will be a mix of invited speakers and successful
presentations from this call. We are not expecting an academic paper but a
lively presentation of work that you have been doing under the subjects
below. We are as interested in the glorious failures as we are in the
gorgeous successes.
Submission Guidelines

Please submit your proposal* by February 7*.  It should contain a title, an
abstract of 250 words, some key words and a two sentence evaluation of its
practical benefits or learning.  The Programme Committee will evaluate all
the submitted proposals and will notify you before the end of February if
your proposal has been selected for presentation.  *We have room for up to
15 presentations* to be given in the conference as a result of this call.
The conference fee and your travelling costs will be covered if your
presentation is chosen.

Submissions are to be made via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/
List of Topics



   *User generated content and metadata:*  from crowdsourcing of
   descriptive data and transcription projects to Wikidata and structured data
   on the Commons to how to combine institutional and user generated metadata.
   We are looking for what has worked, or what hasn’t and can be done better.

   *Enhancing the results of digitisation: *various applications connect
   the act of digitisation with required data processes for the use of the
   data.   What are the latest techniques, have they been applied at scale, do
   they work in the in the more challenging audio-visual areas?  We are
   interested in everything from 3D capture, OCR,  sound/video labelling,
   named entity recognition and feature detection, to machine or deep learning
   to help classify and categorise the digitised data.

   *Decentralisation vs Centralisation:* We know that aggregation works as
   a process to bring together disparate data, standardised, normalise it and
   make it available to other parties, but we also know that this is labour
   intensive, very hierarchical, and does not distribute knowledge and
   expertise. On the other hand more decentralised ways of working have yet to
   be really proven in practice. Presentations that give the latest thinking
   on how we can best enable access to cultural heritage data and reduce
   friction costs are welcome, particularly with evaluation on the relative
   strengths and weaknesses.

   *Multilingualism*: Google has more or less cracked full text translation
   of mainstream languages, but we are still struggling with niche languages
   and metadata. Presentations that evaluate the current thinking or give
   insights into the latest work in the area would fit well in this section of
   the creation and use of multilingual data in Cultural Heritage.



   *User Interaction: *Search is still the dominant means of gaining access
   to the wealth of cultural heritage data now online, but does it represent
   that wealth? Search is ungenerous: it withholds information, and demands a
   query, what are the alternatives? Papers on generous interfaces and
   frictionless design are sought to shed new light on how Cultural Heritage
   can show itself more deeply. Evaluating the benefits and weaknesses to the
   user in the process.

   *Artificial Intelligence: *For this subject topics ranging from machine
   learning to neural network-based approaches to Cultural Heritage are
   welcome. This includes applications of AI from image feature recognition to
   natural language processing, and from building search interfaces on
   features/colour similarity between images and discovery to the use of human
   metadata and computer vision.  We would also be interested in the audio and
   moving image equivalents. Anything dealing with the combination of metadata
   tags, image similarity and machine learning based on user input would be
   very relevant as would Artificial Intelligence technology for content



   *Digital Innovation: *The corporate culture of our memory institutions,
   set up to preserve and conserve our heritage and the organisation of
   digital innovation are not a marriage made in heaven.  The Labs/Skunkworks
   model is increasingly seen at best as an interim stage and at worst as a
   dead end for organising innovation. So how should GLAMs go about organising
   for digital innovation? How can governments and/or funders best support
   digital transformation of the GLAM-sector?

   *Evaluation techniques:* Evaluation should be part of everything we do
   in the publicly funded space of most of cultural heritage, but the how is
   struggling to gain a common language, one that we can apply so funders get
   a picture of the project within its broader context.  Evaluation has been
   requested to be part of all papers submitted but the latest in techniques
   and agreement on a framework for the sector would constitute useful

   *Open source community:* What is the health and standing of the open
   source community within the cultural heritage sector? Does it thrive or is
   it a nice idea that is not a reality?  How can projects with a limited
   lifespan create and sustain products for the sector at large while
   developing and engaging a thriving community around them?    From
   digitisation to search engine development should there be more emphasis on
   the need for vibrant open source communities and more resources  to
   realizing them? Papers on barriers and successes are requested.

*Gregory Markus*

Project Leader

*Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision*
*Media Parkboulevard 1
1217 WE  Hilversum | Postbus 1060, 1200 BB
Hilversum | *
*beeldengeluid.nl* <http://www.beeldengeluid.nl/>
*T* 0612350556

*Aanwezig:* - ma, di, wo, do, vr

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