I think it would be great to have a mobile app for Wikidata.

On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 10:59 AM geislemx <geisl...@informatik.hu-berlin.de>

> Hey all,
> I hope this mail finds you well in this trying times.
> Over the last month I invested some time and put a little project
> together for personal purpose. Long story short it is a small
> Wikidata/Wikibase App for Android.
> Currently it has similar capabilities to Termbox of the Webfrontend -
> add a new Item, searching for an Item, editing an Item, etc.
> The App is build in manner that it should be relatively easy to adapt it
> for any instances of Wikibase.
> Everything is written in Kotlin[1] and the data layer is forged in a way
> to facilitate Kotlin Multiplatform[2] and after turning some screws to
> support a given platform. This means writing an App for iOS with the
> similar capabilities or a Desktop App would be much easier. For myself I
> do not have a stable access to a Mac, otherwise I would made an iOS App
> as well right away.
> However the user journey is still bumpy, since parts are missing like
> loading bars and so on. Also the App only allows users to proceed
> without login. Also multi-language support of the UI is missing and the
> design needs a lot more love (like bring up a proper color system for
> theming). Summa summarum please consider it as an early alpha or an very
> very late prototype.
> I made a little screen cast which you can find in the endnotes[3]. If
> you wish to try it out yourself, you can go ahead[4][5]. But please be
> aware even if the packages are tightly tested, I have currently only one
> real device to test it on and emulators do not always tell the truth, so
> expect app crashes (even there should be none). Also the App is
> currently hooked against the test instance of Wikidata[6], so anything
> you do will not propagated to main instance of Wikidata and you will not
> be able to retrieve data from there.
> So why I am writing? Well, I would like to know, if the community has
> interest in such a thing - an App for Wikidata/Wikibase. Anything else
> can wait until this question is answered, since it will cost time to
> bring it into a publishable state. Please consider this would give the
> opportunity the obtain access to the sensors of a mobile device like
> geolocation, camera, etc and make them usable by Wikibase/Wikidata.
> If the community sees the value in this little project, I also like to
> ask for support/if there are people who are willing to embark on this
> with me.
> I hope you have a pleasant rest of the day.
> Cheers
> Matthias
> Endnotes:
> [1]: https://kotlinlang.org/
> [2]: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform.html
> [3]: https://box.hu-berlin.de/d/66b0055734c3485b8d22/
> [4]: https://box.hu-berlin.de/f/45c45774cff14c5fad55/?dl=1
> [5]: https://www.javatpoint.com/how-to-install-apk-on-android
> [6]: https://test.wikidata.org/
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