Hi everyone,

We are happy to announce the upcoming *EL4C24*, a 5-day workshop starting by
March 30. 2009. This is going to be a special workshop, we will be
supporting Community Media Practitioners and HIV/AIDS Treatment Literacy
Experts to build their wiki-skills. This group of keen professionals is
preparing to lead-up the World Association of Community Broadcasters (AMARC)
AFRICA’S Fourth Pan African Conference in Ivory Coast, by April, 27.

The workshop is open to everyone who wishes to register. Please spread the

EL4C24 registration link:

Learn Share HIV AIDS link:

AMARC Conference link:

Nellie and Gladys

Gladys Gahona
Private Teacher (Math, Physics, Chemistry)
Secondary & Tertiary grades.


Free wiki skills workshop "eL4C24"
March 30 - April 3, 2009

Online web conference: "Introducing to WikiEducator"
Wednesday, 25 March, 2009 21:00 to 22:00 (GMT)

The wiki prayer:
“Grant me the serenity to respect pages I should not edit,
the courage to edit the pages I should,
and the wisdom to know the difference."

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