Hi Phil

I just tried accessing the pages in all 4 languages - they seem to be

I also was able to access the edit pages

I'm just using my regular WE account.

Do you have multiple accounts - one for each language?

What are you trying to do but can't? What WE account are you using?
Are you following links from page to page, or are you going directly
to a saved web address?


On Jun 1, 4:24 am, Phil Bartle <cmpbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to put resources for community empowerment onto WikiEd in
> four languages. I only speak one of them and depend upon volunteers
> from my Community Empowerment Collective to translate. I set up four
> user pages, one in English, and the others in French, Portuguese and
> Spanish. Although I can still log onto my English user page, my access
> to my user pages in the other three languages has been blocked. Please
> can someone help me?
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