Thank you for the information. I had no idea. I will pass on the information
to others on WE.
Warm wishes,
Nellie Deutsch
Doctoral Student
Educational Leadership
Curriculum and Instruction
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On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:46 PM, jkelly952 <jkelly...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I am sure that periodically WikiEducator gives a thought to what the
> average user has as their equipment to receive and help in WE's
> creative efforts. But in case … some of us have 256MB of RAM for
> operating memory, which means that going to a 1024 by 800 pixel screen
> gives us a blinking screen. Such screens are not easy to work or live
> with. We also experience a slow down in our system when we have both
> the Internet and OpenOffice up and running at the same time
> (OpenOffice recommends 512MB of RAM). Sorry if some of us do not have
> access to sources of funding or incomes that allow us to update our
> equipment.
> One of the reasons that I left CURRIKI.ORG was that it was very
> difficult to be creative when you can not work with a  screen of  800
> by 600 pixels, and had to work with a “blinking” 1024 by 800 pixel
> screen so that you could see and select from various menu options to
> work on screens.
> Jim Kelly
> http://www.wikieducator.org/User:Jkelly952
> >

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