Wayne, and all,

You seem anxious to see this as an active project, but hesitant to 
participate whilst it remains in my user space.  So, I've gone ahead at 
moved it to an official workgroup page.  Please have a look and 
contribute anything you have on your mind.


On 13/07/2009 17:46, Wayne Mackintosh wrote:
> Hi Jesse,
> That's an inspiring post -- thanks Jesse. A few thoughts and reflections
> Jesse wrote:
>     <I definitely want to bring the style guide to a workgroup page,
>     and I agree it would have a higher profile, there.  However, I
>     don't think I'm familiar enough with WE to effectively mediate
>     such a workgroup, nor have I ever /designed/ a style guide.  So,
>     I'm using the categorisation work to get a better idea of what WE
>     needs, and during that time, studying the copious volumes of
>     WMF/WoWWiki style guides that are available.>
> Wayne says:  You bring an objective view as a relative newcomer to the 
> WikiEducator project. This combined with your experience of other 
> wikis is a valuable asset.  Moreover, you have a passion and calling 
> for educators around the world to expand and share knowledge and 
> expriences and I can't think of more appropriate qualifications to 
> assist the WE family in getting this right :-). I'm confident that we 
> will consitute a diverse and experienced team for this workgroup. 
> Clearly we will need to adopt a learn-by-doing approach given the 
> diversity of OER WikiEducator develops, we will need to prototype 
> ideas and potential solutions etc. However, by working together using 
> an iterative design approach we will get this right!
> Jesse wrote:
>     <I also have a slew of ideas I'd like to eventually work into WE,
>     if I don't find them already there, which include:
>         * getting every day teachers writing and collaborating on
>           lesson plans (I've already planted the seed with a primary
>           teacher I know, and may end up doing a wiki skills workshop
>           at her school),
>         * a forum to discuss education news around the world,
>         * a method of testing and rating the practical use of lesson
>           plans,
>         * using categories to sort resources by pedagogic method,
>         * and a forum for discussion on the practical uses of
>           pedagogic methods.>
> Wayne says: Your ideas link up very well with the national OER 
> collaboration the Ministry of Education is supporting for the school 
> sector here in New Zealand.
> See: 
> http://wikieducator.org/Funding_proposals/Reusable_and_portable_content_for_New_Zealand_schools.
> We are also looking at ways to encourage and support teachers in 
> developing lesson plans, teaching handouts and forums for sharing 
> experience. We will also be looking for solutions of testing and 
> rating the practical use of lesson plans etc. So at least we have one 
> national collaboration aimed at achieving this objectives -- hopefully 
> more will follow :-).  It would be great if we could refine and extend 
> the work we're doing in New Zealand in other countries.
> Jesse wrote:
>     That's just what I can think of right now.  Basically, I want to
>     see every educator in the world going to WE every day.  I want to
>     see the days of spending thousands of dollars on statistics based
>     education resources end.  I think there are so many bright,
>     talented, experienced educators out there, and I want to see them
>     expanding their own fields of knowledge, and sharing their own
>     very valuable, practical experience with all the world.  It seems
>     these are also WE's goals, and so I'm very excited to be a part of
>     the project.
> Wayne says: Now that's a vision I want to spend time and energy 
> helping to achieve and was the reason behind founding the project! You 
> have my vote of support.
> Cheers
> Wayne
> -- 
> Wayne Mackintosh, Ph.D.
> Director,
> International Centre for Open Education,
> Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
> Board of Directors, OER Foundation.
> Founder and Community Council Member, Wikieducator, 
> www.wikieducator.org <http://www.wikieducator.org>
> Mobile +64 21 2436 380
> Skype: WGMNZ1
> Twitter: OERFoundation, Mackiwg
> >

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