Hello, all - Welcome to the new year.

At the beginning of the year many people were talking about WE and the 
environment. So with these thoughts and yesterday's kick-off of the 
International Year of Biodiversity, I have set a resource page on WE at 
http://www.wikieducator.org/EnvironEd. I have already included links to all 
other environmental pages listed in Category:Ecology and Environment. If you 
have an environmentally themed page not in this category then please add your 
page. I have also included links to environmental data, blogs, etc.

I also think it would be a good idea to have a environmental glossary on WE 
(there is a botany glossary but with no entries). I can help on chemistry and 
engineering terms, but I am not a biologist.




P.S. The official press release for International Year of Biodiversity is at 

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