Hi Everyone,

Late last year Anil, Phil, Randy, John and others were exploring the idea of
working with United Nations Volunteers (http://www.unv.org ) -- See earlier
discussions on the list - http://tinyurl.com/ybcfwbv

You may recall that we were concerned about the all rights reserved
copyright provisions of the UNV site with reference to content our community
would generate in listing our volunteer needs on the UNV site.  This
practice did not align with our with our core community values associated
with open content licensing.

I agreed to contact Elise Bouvet, Online Volunteering Programme Specialist at
UNV on behalf of the OER Foundation and the WikiEducator community for UNV
to consider an exception in our case. Elise took the initiative to contact
their legal department and WE are very pleased to confirm that UNV have
agreed to an exception to license content we produce for the UNV site under
our default CC-BY-SA license.

I have uploaded a copy of the letter from UNV confirming this exception for
our community:


I would like to commend the United Nations for listening and being prepared
to consider our request. This is a testament to UNV's commitment to respond
to the needs of the volunteer community they serve. If WE had a
monthly *Bouquet
*Award, January's award would definitely go to UNV :-).

mmmm -- perhaps we should think about instituting a community Bouquet Award
where we can nominate people and organisations to recognise outstanding
contributions of people and organisations who serve WE in a special way?

I think WE should move forward in preparing a volunteers proposal for
consideration by UNV. Randy has already set up a page for us to collaborate
on drafting the proposal here:


2010 is going to be an amazing year for OER!


Wayne Mackintosh, Ph.D.
International Centre for Open Education,
Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
Board of Directors, OER Foundation.
Founder and Community Council Member, Wikieducator, www.wikieducator.org
Mobile +64 21 2436 380
User Page: http://wikieducator.org/User:Mackiwg
Skype: WGMNZ1
Twitter: OERFoundation, Mackiwg

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