Hi Declan,

I have contacted both of my local nature centers. One you may have heard
about: Stony Brook Millstone Watershed as they have an active stream
monitoring program:
including chemical and biological monitoring. I'll be in touch directly if
either of the centers would like to pursue creating stream-specific WE
resource pages.

But as for data--I see you've noticed my recent work in the math glossary
:D--please yes. I am very interested. There is a dearth of openly-licensed,
pre-prepared datasets available for use in hands-on learning activities.
I've often thought that it would be useful to organize a collection of
datasets on WE for use in learning statistics. Let me know how you are
interested to proceed.


On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 8:27 PM, Declan <declanjmcc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Alison,
> Thanks for the encouragement!  I'd welcome any expanded use of this.
> Send me a New Jersey sample and we'll tailor a site to your favorite
> stream!  There will be large overlap in the fauna.
> With your interest in stats, there may be other opportunities to
> colaborate.  We have insect community data along with water quality
> and land use data from over 60 streams.  I currently use the resource
> to provide real data and fodder for analyses for my own courses, but
> I'd like to expand on that at some point.  As you can imagine, there
> are all sorts of data available to suite nearly any analysis you may
> be interested in teaching.  Continuous/discrete/categorical.
> Cheers,
> Declan
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