On 26 Apr 2009 at 09:24:54 -0700 (PDT), Ken Arromdee wrote:

> >From the Foundation-L post:
> >we sent a letter to
> >Wikipedia Art that was aimed, not to threaten legal action, but to outline
> >what our legal concerns were, and to try to begin a negotiation to resolve
> >the matter amicably -- ideally by switching the domain name over to us, but
> >not by requiring any content changes on their site at all.
> This is disingenuous.  A letter sent by a law firm "to outline our legal 
> concerns" which uses legal language and tells a site that they will settle 
> matters amicably if they meet a demand is a legal threat.  It may not actually
> include the words "or we will sue you", but trying to spin it as not being a
> legal threat is absurd.

It certainly would be interpreted as one if it were something written 
on-wiki by somebody an admin wanted to ban under the WP:NLT policy.

== Dan ==
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