On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:38 AM, <wjhon...@aol.com> wrote:

> Of course, and that's why we have other rules which moderate the other
> rules.  And the BLP policy itself is a rule.  However if a piece of
> evidence is both verifiable, and widely reported and yet negative about
> a person, and that person vociferously objects to it's inclusion...
> than what?  That is the problem here.  We should not white-wash a piece
> of negative, verifiable, widely reported bit simply because it might
> affect a person, or even if they claim it does or has.  We're not the
> nicey-nice patrol and shouldn't be forced to become it.  We're
> encyclopediasts and sometimes you have to say that Hitler was bad.

Hitler's a BLP?

Man, my education sucks.

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