On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Charles
Matthews<charles.r.matth...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Bryan Derksen wrote:
>> David Gerard wrote:
>>> 2009/7/30 Carcharoth <carcharot...@googlemail.com>:
>>>> <sob>
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Animal_births_by_year
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Animal_deaths_by_year
>>>> That is ridiculous category use.
>>> Hey, someone thought it was useful ...
>> Once upon a time I went through a whole bunch of "famous animal"
>> articles and added birth and death year categories. Someone followed
>> along behind me and dutifully removed them all as I went. I guess this
>> is how that particular dispute wound up being settled.
> So those categories need to be animated, rather than populated?

Disneyfied? :-)

I think what some people want is more a way to take a category such as
"Famous animals" and its subcategories, and run a dynamic query that
returns a list of all the members of those categories sorted by dates
of birth and death. A dynamic version of a list. I know I'd love it if
that could be done for all biographical articles, so there was some
super-list (and very big one at that), which could be sorted by name,
dates of birth and death, and other biographical data.

That would be more a biographical database than a list, but the
potential is there for Wikipedia to be a massive biographical
database, but extracting clean data is difficult sometimes, because of
how the system is currently set up.

The classic piece of data that we don't track, and which I usually
drag up in these debates, is the number of articles on men and the
number of articles on women. Now, you might say that you can't query
an ordinary biographical dictionary to find out these things, but
Wikipedia *should* be able to do more than other resources.

It seems a simple question, doesn't it? How many biographical articles
do we have on women, and how many on men? But it is one of those
questions that defies analysis because the data isn't there. We can
give approximate answers about historical periods, and about
nationality (as far as that is meaningful). But gender? No, we don't
document that for some reason.

Which is strange, because "famous women in history" and "Biographies
of Notable Women" are big topics if you search for sources on those
topics. I'd like to know, for example, how many featured biographies
we have on women from history (and possible contemporary biographies
as well)? I might do just that and make another userspace list.

While searching for lists of famous women, I found this:


"Welcome to our _Wikipedia Tour: Famous Women Throughout History_.
Each day we’ll send you a link to a new article about a famous woman
on Wikipedia. The introduction to each day’s article is included in
the installment so you can choose to read just the introduction or the
full article."

Wow. I never knew things like that were out there.

>From this, is seems there was a list at one point:


That article was moved on 23 September 2005 to "List of famous women
in history". It had 542 edits at the point it was deleted on 24
September 2006 following this discussion:


One of the comments there:

"Please leave it - debate criteria if you will, but it's a very useful
resource for educators".

Does anyone feel that something went wrong there? Surely the data on
which articles are about women and which are about men should be
present somewhere so people can query and produce such lists if they
want them, for educational purposes, such as in the first link I
provided? Maybe that is more the domain of wikibooks, but even so, it
requires the basic information to be present somewhere in the articles
about whether the subject of the article is a man or a woman.

I have no idea how many entries were on the list when it got deleted
(looks to be several hundred), but the tour of 45 articles
(undoubtedly hand-picked) took people through the following:


Cleopatra VII
Hypatia of Alexandria
Theodora (6th century)
Hildegard of Bingen
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Christine de Pizan
Joan of Arc
Elizabeth I of England
Artemisia Gentileschi
Christina of Sweden
Catherine II of Russia
Caroline Herschel
Mary Wollstonecraft
Sojourner Truth
Victoria of the United Kingdom
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Julia Margaret Cameron
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Susan B. Anthony
Florence Nightingale
Mary Cassatt
Marie Curie
Emma Goldman
Gertrude Stein
Margaret Sanger
Hellen Keller
Virginia Woolf
Georgia O'Keeffe
Martha Graham
Amelia Earhart
Margaret Mead
Hannah Arendt
Rachel Carson
Simone de Beauvoir
Babe Zaharias
Rosa Parks
Ella Fitzgerald
Rosalind Franklin
Anne Frank
Valentina Tereshkova
Margaret Thatcher
Madeleine Albright

[Why on earth couldn't they give a list somewhere? I had to click
through all of them...]

I'm wondering how that compares to our list of 200 core biographies:


Nine (9) of those 200 articles are on a woman.

We do have lists of women:


Some quite good:


Those are good lists and resources, but I still think some basic tag
should enable identification of gender of the subject of a
biographical article (including transgender and other options, of
course). But how on Earth can something like that be done now, at such
a late stage?

Going back to that website:


That's really quite impressive.


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