On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 14:19:05 -0700, stevertigo wrote:

> PS: Daniel, we know you read the digests, but would you please change
> the subject header in your replies to match the actual header of the
> thread? Thanks.

Yes, I try to, as part of the extensive copy-and-pasting I need to do 
when beginning a reply, in order to get a properly trimmed quote with 
an accurate attribution line; but, regrettably, I sometimes forget 
that last step of changing the subject line.  This time, ironically, 
I did it properly, but this merely resulted in replacing one digest 
subject line with another!

My apologies for this netiquette failure, and I'll make my best 
attempt to do better in the future.  Now, if only that would also be 
true of the several people on this list who invariably fullquote 
beneath their replies, sometimes building up a string of half a dozen 
or more untrimmed list footers that digest readers need to scroll 
through to get to the next message.  And then there's the weirdest 
perversion of all, the properly trimmed quote interleaved with reply, 
followed by an untrimmed fullquote; I call this "doublequoting", not 
to be confused with the ASCII doublequote character with which I 
surround the word "doublequoting" here.  I have more discussion of 
such quoting abberations here:


Is there really, as alluded to in the replies last time I brought up 
the issue, a mail program or webmail interface that silently adds 
such a fullquote to the bottom of a message (whether or not the main 
body of the message includes interleaved quotes and replies), giving 
no indication to the writer that such an attachment is being made nor 
any ability to trim or remove it?  Every mail interface I've ever 
encountered makes the quoted material visible and editable, though 
admittedly some (e.g., the iPhone) make it quite difficult to trim it 
(though the addition of cut/copy/paste capability on the iPhone in 
the 3.0 software upgrade a few months ago brought it from "almost 
impossible" to "kind of hard but do-able").

== Dan ==
Dan's Mail Format Site: http://mailformat.dan.info/
Dan's Web Tips: http://webtips.dan.info/
Dan's Domain Site: http://domains.dan.info/

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