On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 7:46 PM, FT2<ft2.w...@gmail.com> wrote:


> If it is introduced, then I would suggest introducing it as a gadget for
> admins and experienced users, a limited number at first. Communally, it
> shouldn't be available to all, but to those who request it and seem to
> understand what it shows and how to interpret it (perhaps package it with
> rollback or something that gets a little scrutiny of their cluefulness?)

I'm not sure why this would be restricted to admins and experienced
users. Does *anyone* else support this view? It would be more logical,
in my view, to either have it or not have it, not some halfway house.

> Thats for the future, but no harm thinking ahead. Very wary of what people
> will assume it means, and that we're clear it is a tool that needs
> considerable experienced interpretation and is *misleading *without it.

Admins and experienced users would be just as capable of misinterpreting it.


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