Hi Greg -

You're barking up the wrong tree here: none of us as individuals are
involved in moderating wiki-en-L.  The moderators are found here:

As a general suggestion, you may find you have more success in having your
posts accepted if you present your larger point rather than making a pithy
comment that is out of context.


2009/9/16 Gregory Kohs <thekoh...@gmail.com>

> I am asking now for a third time about a post of mine intended for the
> WikiEN-l mailing list.  I have not been given the courtesy of a moderator's
> reply for over 23 hours.  Is this the practice of "list moderation", or is
> it de facto banning?
> While my comment may have been a bit snarky, my larger point is still a
> valid concern -- what does the Wikipedia community have to say about
> detecting a corporate counter-attack on a competitor's well-placed links in
> Wikipedia?  If I worked for Microsoft, would it be beyond comprehension that
> I might spam-link Wikipedia with Apple.com links, in hopes of getting all
> 6,700+ links to Apple auto-magically removed?
> Of course, then I'm sure a well-written lawyer's letter from Apple to the
> Wikimedia Foundation might lift the Apple name off the spam blacklist.  But
> then, wouldn't that then be a sort of "free license" to Apple to spam links
> as much as they want, because it could always be blamed on "the competition
> running a joe job"?
> Greg
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Gregory Kohs <thekoh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Is this going to get moderated through, or not?
>> Greg
>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Gregory Kohs <thekoh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Risker says:
>>> +++++++++++++
>>> Amazing how few people realise that we're also perfectly capable of
>>> blacklisting their websites, and will do so without hesitation should a
>>> spambot show up.  Heck, we give people a hard time for putting in half a
>>> dozen of the same links.
>>> Risker
>>> +++++++++++++
>>> If someone were to write a spambot script that spammed Wikipedia with
>>> outbound links to Wikia.com, would the Wikia.com domain (finally) get placed
>>> on the blacklist?
>>> Greg
>>> --
>>> Gregory Kohs
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