During this thread things could have spun off in many more directions than
they did.  Mainly because the assumptions of most posters were at odds with
my firsthand experience on multiple points.  So I picked out a couple of the
most important ones and attempted to address them, but that turned out to be
much more difficult than anticipated.

So I stated I'd draft a proposed editorial for Signpost.  That's probably
the best thing that can come out of it.

Am wrapping up a Google Document on another topic and planning a draft
outline right now.  We all have our strengths and our weaknesses;
multitasking isn't one of mine.  David's posts really looked like a bizarre
attempt to bait me into a flame war just as the thread had reached its
natural end.  As in: 'No no, you can't walk away.  You started this thread
and I don't like what I think I understand and I'm angry at you about
that.'  Yes, David: I can walk away.  It's the right decision because this
has proven itself to be the wrong venue.

Now to be perfectly candid, each additional post is exhausting to read.  As
in "Whoa Nellie: back up ten steps.  You're on the wrong path there."  And
it's not only pointless but counterproductive because all it's doing is
leaving everyone frustrated and sucking attention away from that draft
outline.  The solution is simple: I'll be working on other things which *are
* moving forward and not reading this thread anymore.  Sage and David, I
think you're big enough people to understand that decision.
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