On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Ian Woollard <ian.wooll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Schroedinger's cat very definitely is fictitious; it's not an
> experiment you can actually do and get an alive/dead cat that you can
> actually see, you would get either an alive cat, or a dead cat.

I agree with the statement that it should not be in that category.
Essentially, because schrodinger's cat is not a cat. Felix the Cat is
a fictional cat. Simba the lion is a fictional cat, in a broader
sense. Schrodinger's cat is a concept in physics that has nothing to
do with cats or fiction. There is no notable fiction in which
Schrodinger's cat features heavily, for example.

To the OP: Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. One bad
category member does not justify nuking an entire family of


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