No, self-respect in advertising is about not actually lying about the
product, making $$$ by whatever cost effective means is what it's
always and *only* been about.

The only thing I will say about the current campaign, it's not about
Wikipedia Forever, it's about Wikipedia until-the-next-fund-raiser. If
it was forever, that might actually be worth contributing to.

On 14/11/2009, Steve Bennett <> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 6:26 AM, William Pietri <> wrote:
>> People are doing some interesting work with auto-optimized ad runs that
>> we could look at adapting for next year. Given our massive amounts of
>> traffic, we could accept a pretty broad range of slogans, and let the
>> system sort out which are the most effective combinations. Money aside,
>> there's something appealing about maximizing community involvement
>> everywhere we can.
> Ew. Is that really what advertising and marketing have been reduced
> to? Spew out whatever random text as long as it gets the $$$? Please
> let us have some self-respect.
> Steve
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