Philippe Beaudette wrote:
> On Dec 3, 2009, at 4:00 AM, wrote:
>> Apparently people should use edit summaries and only use American
>> English. Agree with the first, disagree with the second (Americans
>> asserting ownership on spelling is a negative rather than a positive
>> factor); but both these matters were settled five years ago. I do  
>> think
>> it's a mistake to be so reactive in terms of what is in the  
>> newspapers,
>> for a strategy discussion; that's a PR matter.
> Charles,
> You think that issues of Community Health weren't on our radar screen  
> long before the Wall Street Journal wrote about them? :)
No, but I can think much better ways of framing the question than 
following up WSJ article would lead to. Studies and articles written by 
people not really aware of how our communities function are not really 
good places to start, if the issue is how to improve that functioning. 
It seems pretty clear that if you frame the question too loosely, you 
get a recital of some beefs that are brought up whatever the occasion.


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