I got to hand it to that man- to be trolling to that degree, and for
people not to be noticing, and actually paying you money for it, that
right there is top-flight trolling!

On 25/03/2010, Carcharoth <carcharot...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> For those in the UK who can access the BBC iPlayer, you might be
> interested in yesterday's episode of a comedy/debate program called
> "It's Only a Theory". The show is obscure, but not obscure enough to
> not have a Wikipedia article:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_Only_a_Theory
> Episode 7:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00nxks7
> That episode featured Andrew Keen (the second guest), who presented
> his theory that "user-generated media is killing culture and economy".
> He didn't mention Wikipedia (he was more focused on blogs and social
> networking sites and free downloads of music), though at the end he
> did bring in free culture as part of his argument (saying that free
> culture can be damaging). A bit lightweight (the show is part comedy
> part semi-serious debate), but interesting.
> If you don't want to watch the Andrew Keen bit, the first guest talks
> about the threat of bees becoming extinct or seriously depleted, which
> is worth watching. For the record, the bee killing theory was rejected
> and the user-generated media theory was accepted (again, the voting is
> not entirely serious).
> Oh, and that page I linked to has a 3-minute clip focused on the
> segment "Is User Generated Media Killing our Culture?"
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00542f2
> Carcharoth
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