On Sep 17, 2010, at 4:31 PM, MuZemike <muzem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As the title indicates, when working on articles, do you prefer  
> making a
> bunch of small edits or one or a couple of big edits?

When editing directly on the wiki, I like to save often, in case my  
browser crashes or freezes (lighter, less JS please) or in case of  
edit conflicts.

In case of articles where I am essentially the primary editor, I might  
copy the text to my own local wiki on my computer and work locally.   
That way I can edit offline, its faster, I can have however much or  
little JS, can use the drafts extension, etc.  Then, I can sync my  
changes once in a while with the wikipedia page, in a bigger edit

Editing on a local wiki is newer for me.  In the past, I have just  
copied article text to a local text file and simply work on editing  
the text file, then sync my edits.  The text file approach still works  
perfectly fine and could use git to have revision control on text files.

(would be neat to have more git-like functionality integrated w/  
mediawiki and be able to do git push origin master of wiki articles)


> Personally, I started out making lots of small edits, but lately I've
> been the opposite of that.
> -MuZemike
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