That's great stuff! Quick reactions:

* Redesign version: (-2) way too much text.

* Options version: (-1) nice & simple. But while there are 3 main
things you can do from this page, it's layed out as 2 things.
For that reason I find it a bit confusing.
   1. Learn more...
   2. Create my user page
   3. Edit a page
      a. ... in the sandbox
      b. ... identified by searching for the title

* Video version: (+2) nice! Very much my favorite!

* Easy steps version: (-1) basically, what you get if you didn't
click the video in the Video version.

* Bookshelf version: (-1) Hit's me the same way an advertisement would.

* Polish version: (+0) I like the idea of just one thing to do.
Maybe more like a wizardy-ish thing, where you go through
sequential steps?

* Mod2: (-1) Nice layout, lots of good info. Big improvement
over the "Redesign" version. But I imagine the reader will still
be overwhelmed. "Don't make me think" got it right. (

* Video walkthru: I like the size (width,height) of the video.
Could it be tested with different videos to pick one that is
"best" for a wide audience? My take on the menu of 7 things
under the video are things the enterprising user would hunt for
in the menu at the left. I'd take the 7 menu items out.
Charles Polisher

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