On 26/05/2011, Fred Bauder <fredb...@fairpoint.net> wrote:
>> The association of a living person with shit is inherently unbalanced;
>> it spreads a negative POV towards that person, no matter how many
>> disclaimers
>> we add saying that we don't think he's really like shit.
> Well said. That's the problem.

Quite the contrary, I don't think it's unbalanced. I'm sure that the
term took off, because many people thought it was an entirely
appropriate metaphor.

AFAIK he was more or less calling for putting (potentially) large
numbers of homosexuals in prison essentially just for being
homosexual, and he was trying to put himself in a position where he
would have more ability to actually achieve that.

Compared to that, a rude word and a reduced chance of being a top
politician for a single individual is not very nice, but not nearly as
not nice as trying to remove people's liberty for long periods for
what appears to be a victimless 'crime'.

So I actually don't feel sorry for him at all, in fact he really seems
to have deserved it.

> Fred

-Ian Woollard

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