On Wed, 21 Dec 2011, Gwern Branwen wrote:
> I have just completed and written up a little research project of mine:
> http://www.gwern.net/In%20Defense%20Of%20Inclusionism#the-editing-community-is-dead-who-killed-it

The rest of that, about deletionism, may be at least as interesting.

I wonder how the ban on canvassing is affecting deletion.  Our system is set
up so that informing the very people who would be affected most by deleting
an article is not permitted.  (And of coruse, we have WP:OWN, which prevents
even *recognizing* that some people may have a particular interest in an
article not being deleted.)

And for the general problem is something I've often noted: Wikipedia is set
up to force people to follow the rules.  And the more you use "it's in the
rules" as a club to hit bad users with, the more others can use it as a club
to force bad ideas through; there's just no defense to "what I want follows the
rules".  You see this all the time for BLPs: "Don't you have any empathy?
We're hurting a real person."  "You're just trying to distract us from this
rule.  Your own personal feelings aren't an excuse to ignore our policies..."

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