"Does Copyright Affect Creative Reuse? Evidence from the Digitization
of Baseball Digest", Nagaraj
2013 (draft) http://web.mit.edu/nagaraj/files/copyright_nagaraj.pdf

> While copyright governs the distribution of creative content in industries 
> like publishing and computer software, its impact on creative reuse has 
> largely evaded empirical analysis. I use the digitization of both copyrighted 
> and non-copyrighted issues of one publication, Baseball Digest, to measure 
> the impact of copyright on a prominent venue for reuse: Wikipedia. While the 
> overall impact of digitization on reuse is positive, copyright hurts both the 
> extent of reuse and the level of internet traffic to affected Wikipedia 
> pages. The impact of copyright is more pronounced for images compared to text 
> and becomes economically significant only post-digitization.


You may remember discussion of the work way back in July 2012:
The actual paper was only posted recently.


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