(and for the record: I'll need suggestions ideally in the nxt 24 hours :)
After that, I'll start inviting some more people again, but suggestions
remain welcome - I will definitely keep them for next year if I don't use
them this time! -- Lodewijk)

2016-09-22 13:33 GMT+02:00 Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org>:

> Hi all,
> As I'm working on finalizing the international jury for this year (more
> details below, that I shared before), there are some specific
> characteristics that I would especially appreciate suggestions for (keeping
> the mentioned constraints in mind):
> - Wikimedia Commons uploaders with a lot of features/good quality images
> - A Wikipedian that is very active in the heritage articles field (and
> also has a sense for quality images)
> - Someone with a background in countries in Asia, Africa, North America
> and/or Eastern Europe.
> - A professional prize winning photographer
> Or a combination of those, of course! Please get in touch with me directly
> if you have suggestions.
> Best,
> Lodewijk
> 2016-08-18 11:18 GMT+02:00 Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org>:
>> Hi all,
>> Like every year, we need to put together a good jury for Wiki Loves
>> Monuments 2016. It is a complicated and delicate process to come to a
>> balanced jury, and I would like to outline the criteria here, and to ask
>> for your input. I have agreed to take the lead on this process - but would
>> definitely welcome your input, and help.
>> As in the past years, I think it is important to aim once again for a
>> jury that as a whole is neutral and balanced in many ways. This means
>> ideally:
>> * A mix of photography experts, heritage experts and Wikimedia experts
>> (aiming at a total size of 7-9)
>> * Geographically balanced so that no two jury members come from the same
>> country.
>> * Balance in many other ways imaginable (while at the same time, one can
>> never assure a balance in all aspects)
>> * The international jury members do not serve on a national jury for WLM
>> At the same time, there are some practical considerations:
>> * Jury members must be able to write and read English
>> * They must have the time to commit to judge 200-500 photos in three
>> rounds over a period of 3 weeks in November
>> * While jury members can participate in a local competition, their
>> photos cannot participate in the international finale
>> * Jury members should not participate in any national jury for 2016
>> (previous years is OK)
>> * It would be helpful if the juror would be willing to share their real
>> name for the jury report.
>> * Jury work is in a volunteer capacity.
>> Do you know someone who would make a good juror, please contact me
>> privately with the suggestion. At least let me know who the juror is, how I
>> could contact him/her and why they would make a good jurymember (and
>> whether you have reason to believe they would accept the nomination, if
>> asked).
>> I will do my best to put together once again a qualified and diverse jury,
>> with your help!
>> Thank you in advance!
>> Best,
>> Lodewijk
>> (international jury coordinator, WLM 2016)
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