Something I would personally appreciate as an improvement, is a block of 2
hour around lunch with NO INTERNET! That ought to improve the mingling :)

Also speeddating seems to be an effective method (there are many ways to
accomplish that).


2012/7/19 Katherine Casey <>

> I agree with Florence's comment about being sad that Wikimania is no
> longer a giant meetup. For all that the talks and lectures are very
> informative, I sort of wish that we had the GLAM track lecture, the Dev
> track, the [whatever] track, *AND *the "I just want to hang out with
> people" track. Give those of us who show up mostly because we want to meet
> and talk to other Wikimanians a big room, and maybe a lot of beer or
> snacks, and see what develops! We end up ad-hoc-ing this oftentimes by
> using the ballroom, or the lobby, or whatever large space, but even those
> are often set up in a way that makes me think it never occurred to anyone
> that some of us would spend most of our time there if we could. Lack of
> seating or enough outlets, the tendency Florence mentions for people to
> clump off at tables by their affiliation, and lack of central location for
> the hang-out space are some of the pitfalls I've noticed happening in the
> past two wikimaniae. If I ran the world, every Wikimania would have a large
> room full of abundant couches (not tables to sit around, and not rows of
> chairs) and electrical outlets where people would be encouraged to just
> hang out and meet new people.
> -Fluffernutter
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Florence Devouard <>wrote:
>> https://wikimania2012.**<>
>> I dropped my comments over there.
>> There are three things on which I would like to specifically insist upon
>> The first is that I see a trend in seeing Wikimania as a "conference"
>> rather than a sort of "giant meetup". I regret it.
>> I was particularly sensible this year to the fact we had "factions". I
>> could see the French speaking guys hanging together here. And the German
>> chapter people hanging there. And in another corner the editing community
>> of the English Wikipedia. And over there, the Glam people. And though there
>> were naturally bridges between those groups, there was not much mixing and
>> bonding.
>> Seeing Wikimania as a conference is not really helping closing the gap.
>> We get 4 or 5 sessions in parallel. Glam group goes there in the session
>> related to Glam. Editing community goes there listening to the session
>> related to arbitration. Chapter group here goes to listen to legal risks.
>> And so on. The more sessions we have in parallel, the more chance that each
>> group stick to its habits.
>> Adding side events does not necessarily help. When wandering in the
>> street, we could meet with a group of iberocoop people sticking together or
>> a group of WMF staff members heading to that restaurant. Even the wikichix
>> meeting could have been done differently. Such as giving the time to each
>> women of ONE table to present to each other rather than all of us to each
>> other. And making sure that women do not sit by their friends but with new
>> women.
>> The side meeting probably helping the most are actually visits (such as
>> the visit to the Capitol) since these are smaller groups of various origins.
>> But there is this tendency to group with people you already know because
>> it is always tough to get to new people you know little about.
>> In the past, I remember events that helped create more bonding. For
>> example, sleeping in one area rather than dozen. For example, breaking a
>> wikiball together. For example, hosting lightning talks in the main lobby
>> all along the conference.
>> I think we need to think of Wikimania more as a networking event than it
>> is right now. And give more chance to isolated people to connect and more
>> chance to groups to break and bridge with other groups.
>> I hope there can be discussions on how to achieve that (looking at how
>> networking groups do is a good direction) and that next year team will have
>> that at heart.
>> The second is that I was actually surprised to see the organizing team
>> put itself so much "in the background".
>> I did not feel very satisfied that the team was essentially listed on a
>> slide at the beginning and end of the conference and that we see a group of
>> people on stage during 1 mn at the closing. If only because I will hardly
>> remember any of the team member besides James, Aude and Danny. James as the
>> leader. Aude and Danny because I already know them. But others ?
>> Unfortunately not. Their names were plastered on an slide (since I didnot
>> know them, it did not help me to recognise their face afterwards). In a
>> regular conference, this is normal. We just thank the organizers and give
>> them a one minute fame.
>> But at Wikimania, the team should be special. It should be leader and at
>> the heart of the event. We should know who they are and at the end of the
>> conference, I feel we should feel like hugging them like mad for what they
>> did (or hate them :)). There are various ways to do that. Such as at least
>> presenting each of them at the beginning so that we have a face in front of
>> the name. Putting a big wall in the lobby with the face and name, their
>> role, and their favorite food (or whatever). Setting up a 10 mn
>> presentation at the beginning of the day. Having a contest with them on
>> stage. A banner to sign. A tower in lego to destroy. Anything.
>> The third is.... WMF board. The Q&A is a tradition; but I feel traditions
>> ought to change sometimes. It probably made more sense to have a board Q&A
>> when we had no staff at all. Now, the staff is providing one keynote (Sue)
>> plus many talks (not far from half of Wikimania talks I think) and
>> providing plenty of input during three days. So the board Q&A is getting
>> boring and not very useful anyway. Plus, as I told Jay, the concept of
>> having a WMF staff select and ask the questions is setting up a barrier,
>> thus increasing the distance between board and wikimedians. To be fair, I
>> find it odd that most wikimedians have next to no idea of what the
>> individual board members think on a specific topic. And most answers to
>> board does not succeed to fix that. It should be clarified if the goal of
>> this "event" is to help members understand better what individual members
>> think OR if it is to understand better board strategy OR if it is to better
>> understand certain issues. But if these issues are operational in nature,
>> the questions should go to staff, not board.
>> I think it is time to have another format. I wonder if it might not make
>> sense to rather select one hot topic per year and have board give their
>> opinion on that very topic in details and with individual position rather
>> than having them give short, bland answers to 10 random questions.
>> Florence
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