I don’t believe it is a  to inform people that their scholarship application 
has passed Phase 1. 
It raises false hopes and gets some people working hard to develop a 
presentation or workshop they intended to make and making preliminary tentative 
arrangements to comply with their domestic and professional commitments - for 
some people a Wikimania is a journey half around the world incurring a total 
absence from home of many more days than the duration of the conference. It’s 
not a pleasure trip.


> On 19May, 2017, at 23:36, praveenp <me.prav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have sent a similar email on 2015 [1] 
> <https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimania-l/2015-July/006921.html>, 
> but I haven't got a clear answer there yet. I simply asked why certain people 
> get Wikimania Scholarship each year, while other applicants rejected 
> repeatedly. I have used a comparison of User:Viswaprabha and myself 
> (User:Praveenp) there.
> Please note that this email is not about someone going to Wikimanias again 
> and again, it is about granting Wikimania scholarships to same persons again 
> and again. This is not personal, I am just using personalities and 
> scholarships familiar to me. I am sure that, atleast other Indian language 
> communities facing similar problem. I occasionally hear people from other 
> communities mentioning scholarship by terms like   "Winkimania Scholarship" 
> or "Wikimania Permanent  Scholarship".
> From my home wiki community (Malayalam Language Community), only year I 
> remember that User:Viswaprabha didn't recieve the Wikimania scholarship was 
> 2016. I assume that was just because of the thread regarding this issue in 
> 2015. User:Netha Hussain, another user from our premises also get repeating 
> scholarships (not this year), but I am not sure that whether she represents 
> Malayalam Language Community. Frankly, I haven't seen any of these 
> scholarship receivers sharing anything to community in recent years. Then, 
> what is the advantage of selecting same persons again and again for 
> scholarship? Isn't it better to let more different people to share and 
> experience global community?
> I also wish to share a personal experience of intolerance. I raised the issue 
> in 2015 and then in 2016 I applied scholarship. I didn't even pass "Selection 
> Phase 1"  yesteryear. According to Phase 1 criteria, every serious 
> application must pass to Phase 2. I asked about this to Ellie Young in a 
> reply, which I didn't get a response yet. Ironically, a very similar 
> application by me entered Phase 2 this year!
> Could someone clarify?
> [1] - https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimania-l/2015-July/006921.html 
> <https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimania-l/2015-July/006921.html>
> Praveen Prakash
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