Hello everyone,

We want to share with you about the *Small Wiki Toolkits*, one of the focus
areas planned for Wikimania Hackathon 2019. Some activities in this focus
area will also be conducted at the main Wikimania conference. With this
focus area, we hope to support wikis & their communities who don’t have
many technical contributors and help to connect developers and editors from
different wikis.

Editors and developers alike are invited to drop by, bring questions, offer
& get technical support - for example on wiki configuration settings, bots,
gadgets, templates - & meet during Hackathon & Wikimania to exchange on a
variety of topics :-)

You can contribute to different areas of this focus area: Hacking,
Documentation and Technical Support. Read more here for details:

*Between now and until Wikimania*, here are some things that you can do to
get started and to connect with fellow participants:

   - If you are interested in offering technical support or discussing
   topics related to this focus area during the main conference, sign up here:
   - If you would like to introduce your problem related to this focus area
   or help provide a solution to a problem, edit the section here:
   (problem/solution table)
   - If you are planning to run a workshop or develop a toolkit at the
   Hackathon, read the development guidelines here:

See you soon at Wikimania! :)


*Srishti Sethi*
Developer Advocate
Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
Wikimania-l mailing list

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