[writing with my volunteer hat on.]

Hi all,

This email is not Wikimedia related, but I still would like to send it
to those who will attend Wikimania. I hope it's fine to share this

I will bring somewhere between 50-100 (depending on weight) Web/Data
Mining/Algorithms related books (all in English) with me when I attend
Wikimania next week. I will give these books for free to some folks
who accept to take them back to a university in their country as long
as the country is considered undeserved and the university is not very
well resourced.

As I may get more than 2-3 responses, here's the process I'd like to
follow: If you're interested to be the person who takes some books
back to a university in your country, please send me offlist the
following information:
* How many books (how heavy:) can you take with you back to your country?
* Which university (and which library) do you intend to donate the books
to? Name, city, country.

I will then review this information with Ricardo Baeza-Yates [1] and
we choose a few universities from the list we gather to donate the
books to through you.

I need to hear from you no later than August 10 if you're interested
to be considered for receiving some books.


[1] In our volunteer times, we're co-presidents of a non-profit
organization and the organization has received the books from the
publishers (Cambridge, Springer, Morgan & Claypool).

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