Sam, this is great news, I will try it out today.

Sam Wilson wrote:
> In the meantime I've set up a demo wiki:
>that we can install various things on if we want to talk about them in
more concrete terms.
> — Sam

2017-09-07 9:37 GMT+02:00 Sam Wilson <>:

> I certainly agree with you about the NIH syndrome within the Wikimedia
> world. (I think it's getting better though, and I think a lot of it is part
> of the general PHP/web-dev community too, and not specific to MediaWiki.) I
> really don't think we need yet another software solution for genealogy!
> However... :-)
> I think I basically take as my starting point "base MediaWiki". As in:
> there's a great flexibility in a website that is basically just freeform
> text boxes into which you can put whatever. At its heart, a wiki is free
> and open and really easy to just jump into and start putting content up.
> That's why we love 'em! And I think it's a good platform for genealogy: we
> can write whatever we need to, and collaborate with others, and it's not
> constrained by any software-imposed structure.
> Certainly, I see the attraction with software like Webtrees that provides
> lots of structure, but I guess it feels a bit different to the open wiki
> way of things. I think WeRelate tries to walk the line between fully-wiki
> and fully-structured, and does it pretty well. I've attempted a couple of
> times to work on its code and bring it up to date, but decided it would
> take more time than I've got, and there isn't a community of developers
> working on it.
> Anyway, that's all stuff we need to talk about more I'm sure! In the
> meantime I've set up a demo wiki:
> that we can install various things on if we want to talk about them in
> more concrete terms.
> — Sam.
> On Sat, 2 Sep 2017, at 09:31 PM, Amgine wrote:
> Sorry about the digest response. Footnotes at bottom of msg.
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:50:29 -0400
> From: James Mason <> <>
> To: "Discussion about the Wikimedia genealogy project."
>       <> 
> <>
> Several different systems have been put forward as candidates to be
> "the" Wikimedia genealogy project.  Of those, several have been in
> existence for a number of years and are in regular use.  Yet I have seen
> very little on the question of why any of those may or may not have been
> chosen as a starting point.
> ...
> In the WMF-sphere there is a strong opposition to NMH/NFH (Not Made
> Here/Not From Here) solutions, even standing the middle of a wheel
> graveyard. Witness Flow when there are literally hundreds of drop-in
> forum/communication systems which can be implemented modularly such as
> My personal choice of using WebTrees[1] was specifically to allow an
> unlimited number of contributors to work on a single GED, and allow an
> unlimited number of GEDs to be hosted/displayed. It is not a wiki. It
> has some wiki-like characteristics. It could become a wiki. I doubt it
> is currently ready to scale.
> On the other hand, it would work extremely well as an interim, and is
> able to import/export standard and non-standard GED.
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2017 08:15:04 +0800
> From: Sam Wilson <> <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia-genealogy] Is the delivery of software
>       fundamental to this project?
> ...
> WeRelate
> ...
> Wikidata as a central
> repository
> ...
> My personal approach these days is ...
> To painfully refactor: WeRelate has content and community, and other
> good/bad things. Wikidata, if possible, requires creating a new
> genealogy data standard [mandatory reference to].
> Federation seems a good approach.
> I am less-keen on thinking about forking a community, although forking
> their content has some interesting possibilities. Wikidata has been
> pretty much useless or a disaster for sister projects other than
> interwiki links - and even that has semantic issues. (imo: this is due a
> lack of interest/resources in supporting non-wikipedia efforts, not that
> Wikidata cannot do a stellar job.)
> So, much against my philosophy, I can agree there is a need for software
> development: a decentralized federation for node
> searching/sharing/indexing, self-healing? Preferably with a platform
> agnostic api, so multiple GUI and engines can be built.
> But I would rather work with the very large pile of genealogy wheels
> than start something entirely new.
> Amgine
> [1] On Github:  
> Official: Wiki:
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