On 22 February 2013 09:46, Charles Andrès <charles.andres.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We plan to give access to these tools at first to all the chapters and 
> affiliated group, as then as well for thematic groups.
> Deployment is planned for the next Wikimedia Conference in Milan.

Hi Charles,

Thanks for choosing to open this up as a service. I will be
recommending to my own chapter that we should test out this tool in
preference to non-open source solutions that we are currently using
(such as Skype and Google Hangout) and I would like to offer it to the
GLAMtoolset project (there are regular sprint reviews that rely on
video conferencing). It would be great if we could share a test
platform in advance of deployment for Milan so that we can make sure
that on-line guides and advice are well established.

Could we make a general offer to all chapters that if they want to use
this tool to have open board meetings or committee meetings (and
preferably record proceedings), that we will offer this as an actively
supported service? This may mean setting aside a small budget for
technical support. It seems exactly like the type of inter-chapter
initiative that the WCA should seek to promote.

As part of a supported service, it might be an idea to recommend what
sorts of hardware kit work well with video conferencing. In my own
chapter we have a history of poor audio problems, and sharing
experiences of good value multi-directional microphones, recommended
bandwidth and so forth, would be helpful in deciding how to minimize
our spend on hardware and provide high quality recordings at the same
time. It may even be an idea to have a recommended virtual meeting kit
box for chapters (mini-sound mixer, mic types, mini-tripod etc.), this
would make it easy for any chapter to estimate and add a
non-controversial line item in their funding proposals to support good
quality virtual access, in line with our shared values of openness and
transparency. ;-)

Ashley Van Haeften (Fae) fae...@gmail.com
Chapters Association Council Chair http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WCA
Guide to email tags: http://j.mp/mfae

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