copy from the meta page:

The result of the Fundraising team and all the people involved has lead to an 
impressing abilities to minimize the time of display of the banners, and then 
decreasing the perturbation for the reader. I personally think that we reach an 
acceptable level of "perturbation" and that we should move from a strategy of 
"less perturbation for the reader" to "motivation of the reader". We will get 
back as soon as possible with numbers, but during the fundraising periods in 
general, and especially during the last one, we notice in switzerland a 
significant increase of the interest of the readers about how Wikipedia works, 
and the project of our chapter. During the last fundraising, we have been 
contacted by people wanting to join our chapter or becoming editors. In this 
period where renewing the pool of editor is a major challenge, I think we 
should not underestimate the power of the fundraising campaign. One simple way 
to use this synergy would be to redirect the donors (after their donation) to a 
thank you page that could incorporate a link to the corresponding chapter's 
page, or a thematic group's page, or an announce for a meet up, etc... the list 
is open.



I use this email for mailing list only.

Charles ANDRES, Chairman
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch

Le 27 févr. 2013 à 19:11, Megan Hernandez <> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> We have another update on fundraising testing.  We have been testing at low
> levels for almost three weeks.  We are preparing to increase the percentage
> for a 24-hour test so all anonymous readers in the countries and languages
> where we are running campaigns will see a banner (just 1 banner
> impression).  If a reader has already seen one banner over the past three
> weeks of testing, they should not see another banner during the 24-hour
> test.  The test is set to start at 18:00 UTC on Wednesday, February 27 and
> will run worldwide, excluding the countries where banners already ran in
> December 2012 (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France,
> Switzerland).
> Again, hiding banners from readers who have already seen a banner is new
> for us and our goal is to minimize the number of banners our users see.  If
> you read Wikipedia anonymously and see more than one banner, please let us
> know on the fundraising meta talk page:
> We are also testing out new translations and donation pages in many many
> countries, so if you see any errors or have any feedback, it'd really help
> us out if you'd send it to us:
> Thanks everyone,
> Megan
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Megan Hernandez
> <>wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We've been testing banners at a low level for about two weeks now.  We've
>> been showing just one banner impression to 5% of anonymous users (excluding
>> the 5 countries where banners ran in December: US, UK, Canada, Australia,
>> and New Zealand).
>> Hiding banners after one impression is new for us, and any feedback we can
>> get on how it's working will really help us. We are trying to minimize the
>> number of banners our users see each year.
>> If you visit Wikipedia anonymously (and you're outside of the 5 English
>> countries), have you seen any fundraising banners in the last two weeks?
>> If so, how many times have you seen a banner?
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Megan
>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Megan Hernandez 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We wanted to let you know the fundraising team is starting up testing in
>>> February.  We're starting at low levels, so most people will not even
>>> notice banners to start with.  5% of anonymous users will see a banner just
>>> one time.  We are not showing any banners to logged in users.
>>> There was an announcement in November about us splitting up the
>>> fundraiser this year.  Just a very quick recap: We ran the end-of-year
>>> campaign in November and December in the top 5 English-speaking countries
>>> (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).  The campaign was successful
>>> and we were able to take the banners down a few weeks ahead of schedule:
>>> We are now working on starting up testing in countries that were not
>>> included in the end-of-year campaign.  We'll be working on translations and
>>> optimizing our donation pages in many countries over the coming months.
>>> We will post a report of the year-end campaign with much more detailed
>>> information and will send a note to this mailing list when it's available.
>>> We always need help making improvements in different countries and
>>> languages.  If you have any suggestions, please do leave us a note on the
>>> fundraising meta discussion page:
>>> Thanks!
>>> Megan
>>> --
>>> Megan Hernandez
>>> Head of Annual Fundraiser
>>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> --
>> Megan Hernandez
>> Head of Annual Fundraiser
>> Wikimedia Foundation
> -- 
> Megan Hernandez
> Head of Annual Fundraiser
> Wikimedia Foundation
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