After reading this more thoroughly:  I am deeply impressed.  This sort
of review should be carried out for all major ongoing projects.

For instance, it could be useful to have a similar retrospective on
major technical features that have been implemented or formally
requested by large Wikimedia wikis over the past 4 years -- and those
that have been developed by the WMF and either implemented or not
(depending on how they were received).   I realized recently that many
developers believe their work's implementation, and what it is
possible for them to accomplish, is governed by whether the community
likes it or not.  Meanwhile many community members feel they have no
control over what features are developed or prioritized.  An
independent review could help demystify that cycle.


On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 1:23 AM, MZMcBride <> wrote:
> Asaf Bartov wrote:
>>Another component of the Wikimedia Foundation's increased focus on
>>grantmaking is now ready for discussion: it is a retrospective report on
>>the history, evolution, and processes of the Wikimedia Grants Program (the
>>Foundation's first, and until fairly recently only, grants program).
>>We were interested in an independent report by someone with a good
>>understanding of wikis and our shared values, and chose a local Wikipedian
>>named Kevin Gorman (User:Kevin Gorman), active on English Wikipedia, who
>>has volunteered in the Wikipedia Education Program and also had an
>>(unpaid) internship at the Foundation office in San Francisco for a few
>>months in 2011.  Kevin was paid our standard contractor wage for his work
>>on this.
>>Kevin has posted the report here:
> Hi.
> I haven't had a chance to read the report yet, but I just want to say
> thank you for the transparency here. :-)
> MZMcBride
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