Dear all,

WMDE's 2012 annual report was recently published in German. Today, I posted
an English translation on Meta, too[1]. Like last year's annual report the
2012 edition comes as a PDF. Unlike last year we additionally converted
both the German and English reports into wiki versions. This is to take a
step forward regarding readability. At the same time, feedback on Meta can
be gathered more directly. (A preview to the PDF layout and the designed
report is embedded, though.)

The annual reports are one of several puzzle pieces when it comes to WMDE
reporting. Our monthly reports have been coming bilingual for quite a while
now[2], so as to serve German-speaking communities and the international
movement alike. With the evolving quarterly FDC reporting routine we aim to
keep that up. Even more importantly, we seek to create a genuine quarterly
report[3] for our specific language communities. Therefore, information for
the FDC Q1 report form was gathered with an additional perspective
(German-language readers) in mind.

This is a first step. We're looking forward to exploiting a growing pool of
quarterly reviews in a number of ways. We'll be able to add another layer
of information for communities, while learning from documented experience
and embracing opportunities to review and adapt WMDE's project work.

Please find our reports online!


[2] chapter reports; new table with
both EN/DE
[3] WMDE Q1/2013 (in German!)

Michael Jahn
Public relations

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