Dan Rosenthal, 17/05/2013 07:32:
Is there any thought or discussion as to whether Sue could (or would want
to) additionally do an actual Reddit IAmA, as Jorm did? Don't get me wrong,
I understand why it is on Meta and I think the Meta interview is a great
idea, but there is also something to be said for presenting to an audience
of people beyond our immediate community of users who even know about meta,
which Reddit's IAmA subreddit is. Especially since Sue has done some very
important work on things like gender issues and her departing thoughts on
broader internet governance issues that would benefit from a wider audience.

Note however that Reddit is an all-male environment, as noted on some other list linking this: <https://infobeautiful3.s3.amazonaws.com/2013/01/1276_chicks_rule.png>.
(Still not as bad as Wikimedia!)


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