LsjBot has now finished generating articles of all animals and insects. it become close to 1 M. The articles are fine [1] and represent increased knowledge, but have problably only have had a limited effect on access to and edits on sv:wp. Sverker will after a pause continue with all plants (a few 100 thousands) and then plan to put all data in Wikidata

NaskoBot is now 95% ready generating articles on all Swedish lakes, 50.000 (whereof a third not even having a name..) [2]. These articles are seen as very sound and really better then the ones manually created. Here we see these have generated an increased participation and edits as people now can get a proper links to all lakes in other geographic articles, and it is easy to complement the generated lake articles with local info and photos. We know these article generate "new" accesses, but it is still too early to know how many and how it will effect earlier webbsites with some of this info

Our next initiative we are working with is to get all data of Swedish communes, cities and towns 100 % correct in Wikidata (and also a semiautomatic update link to Wikidata from the Swedish statistical authorities databases). We thought our articles on these subjects were fine, but find we need to put in 6-9 month time to get the data from fine to 100% correct, and all the relevant data elements in place in Wikidata even if it only a few thousand articles . When we are ready we will have all the base data for these entities taken from Wikidata (not giving much improvement) but more important we will be able to provide 100% quality data for other language versions to semiautomatic get data (or generate articles) of these subjects, where we feel a special responsibility to secure global quality for.

We are familiar with the impressive work Cheersbot has done on vi:wp (a few hundred thousand article generated, on plants, geographical entities) and of course some knowledge of the work on nl:wp (several hundred thousands of articles generated), they were the one who inspired us. But we are missing insight from initiatives on other language versions.

Are there other experiences that can be shared or is there a metapage or does it exist a maillist more dedicated to discuss these issues? (it is close to wikidata issues but it is not about the technicaliites of Wikidata hut more about how to implement use of basic data that involves special challenges outside of the wikidata technique)


[1] example spider from Ljsbot [2] example lake from NaskoBot list of lakes in a commune note the many without a name and the link to googlemap with flag to all lakes

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