On 14 December 2013 00:30, phoebe ayers <phoebe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I didn't make a comment; I requested information:
>>     "Please also provide a link to the consultation you carried out
>>      with the community, before making this change. I seem to have
>>      missed it."
>> Oddly, I seem to have missed the response, also.
> Well, with such a pointed comment, I assumed you were trying to make a
> point about the value of community consultations, so that's what I
> responded to.

To reiterate, I didn't make a comment; I requested information.


> So no, we didn't have a broad community consultation on
> this particular amendment

Thank you for making that clear.

> there have been many related discussions on Commons and
> Wikipedia over the years.

Indeed there have. But until a widely-advertised consultation is held
(advertised in the manner of the recent discussion on logos and
branding), we wont know the views of the community at large, rather
than those who have an axe to grind. We won't know, for instance,
whether the amendment goes too far, or not far enough, in reflecting
the communities wishes.

Andy Mabbett

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