On 1/15/2014 8:13 AM, Victor Grigas wrote:
I interviewed 2 gentlemen who are both blind who use a program called JAWS on 
desktop machines that reads the Wikipedia page to them, allowing them to edit.
In the US, I believe JAWS is the predominant tool employed to assist blind computer users. At least if you deliver content that needs to comply with Section 508 (information accessibility requirements from the 1973 Rehabilitation Act), performance with JAWS is the most likely way that an agency will evaluate the content if they're serious about meeting the requirements. It's limited to operating in a Windows environment, but the program has an established user base that I understand is quite active in providing feedback so the software can be maintained and improved. I haven't dealt with it in a wiki context, but if it's an effective aid for editing as well as reading, I'm glad to hear it.

--Michael Snow

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