Dear friends in the Wikimedia movement,

With much gratitude and anticipation, the Board of WMNO this week named
Astrid Carlsen, Executive Director of Wikimedia Norway!

Many of you already know Astrid as a dedicated, energetic, and knowledgable
colleague, and we are pleased that Astrid excepted to take the challenge of
more direct responsibility and leadership in the organisation. Astrid has
been our GLAM officer during the last 1,5 years. She has already performed
several executive functions, and this codification of that experience is a
natural next step for all of us.

We are thrilled to have Astrid with us in the future, as we are entering
a breaking point with new challenges for funding, professionalization, and
clarifying further the divisions of labour between ED, Board, staff, and
volunteers. The upcoming general assembly in April will further lay those
foundations. We are fully convinced that Astrid will assist and pilot our
chapter through these challenges in an excellent way

All the best from Wikimedia Norway

Erlend Bjørtvedt

*Erlend Bjørtvedt*
Nestleder, Wikimedia Norge
Vice chairman, Wikimedia Norway
Mob: +47 - 9225 9227 <>
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