Hello all,

The Wikimedia Foundation StandingElections Committee is, from today until February 17, seeking additional members to help facilitate Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustee and Funds Dissemination Committee elections. This is a volunteer role and the appointment is for two years. Please note that, while you are a member of the Committee, you will not be able to run for any election overseen by the Committee – this includes the upcoming 2017 Board and FDC elections and any other election where the committee had already begun formal preparation before your departure. You will also be restricted in your ability to publicly advocate for community members running in those elections.

The Elections Committee has the following duties, as defined by a July 2015 Board Resolution <https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolution:Elections_Committee>:


   The Committee shall recommend the dates, rules, and regulation of
   the voting procedures for approval by the Board of Trustees pursuant
   to Article IV, Section 3(C) in the Foundation Bylaws


   The Committee shall recommend who is qualified to vote for the Board
   of Trustees pursuant to Article IV, Section 3(C) in the Wikimedia
   Foundation Bylaws <https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Bylaws>.


   The Committee shall be responsible for preparing recommendations for
   the dates, rules and regulation of the voting procedures for the
   Funds Dissemination Committee
   and the Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson, consistent with
   the charter of the Funds Dissemination Committee.


   To the extent possible, the Committee shall consult with the wider
   Wikimedia community in developing and revising election procedures
   within the scope of this charter.


   The Committee shall be a source of information to any member of the
   Wikimedia community interested in the community selection processes
   of the Wikimedia Foundation.


   Under the direction of the Board Governance Committee, the Committee
   shall take actions as necessary to execute the selection process for
   the Board of Trustees, the Funds Dissemination Committee, and the
   Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson.


   As needed, the Committee may assist with other duties as may be
   assigned by the Board or the Board Governance Committee.

In practice, a member's duties involve communicating with the global committee who help to steward Board and FDC Elections. During an election period – one of which is over the next three to four months – this will be especially important as you help to run the upcoming elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees and the Funds Dissemination Committee. During this period, members of the Elections Committee meet for semi-regular meetings to discuss the current election.

However, this appointment is not just for election periods. Outside of the election season you will lead community discussions on election process and advise the Board of Trustees Governance Committee <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_Governance_Committee>as requested, such as in their search for appointed board members. The expected time commitment can range from around 10 hours a week during an election to one or two hours outside of the election period.

If you'd like to apply please send an email to bec-newmemb...@lists.wikimedia.org with:


   Your username;


   A brief summary of your Wikimedia related experience and any other
   experience you think may be useful along with;


   Why you're interested in the role and a quick statement saying you
   understand the requirements.

Given the private information that committee members handle, candidates must be 18 years of age or older, and be willing to sign the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Confidentiality_agreement_for_nonpublic_information>if they haven't already. You can view information on how to sign this on Meta-Wiki <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Confidentiality_agreement_for_nonpublic_information/How_to_sign>.

As much as possible we want the committee to represent the diversity of the Wikimedia movement so if you're interested please apply! If you know of others, not on this list, who may want to apply please feel free to forward.


On behalf of the Elections Committee

Katie Chan
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Experience is a good school but the fees are high.
    - Heinrich Heine

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