Dear all,

We have extended the deadline for submitting presentations, panels,
roundtables and workshops to Wikimania until *April 10*. The deadline for
posters and birds-of-a-feather sessions remains *May 15*.

Please see below for the call for submissions for Wikimania, and submit
your ideas! Please also note, for those who have already submitted, there
is now a field in the registration form for "completed" or "in-progress"
submission. When you are ready to have your submission reviewed, please
note that it is "completed". Thank you!

Please contact us with any questions:


On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 10:10 AM, phoebe ayers <>

> All,
> I'm very pleased to send out the Wikimania Montréal Call for Submissions,
> which can be found in French here:
> and in English here:
> On behalf of the Wikimania programme committee,
> Phoebe Ayers
> -----
> Que vous soyez un membre de la communauté de l’un des projets Wikimédia
> (tels que Wikipédia, Wikibooks, Wikidata, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikimedia
> Commons, Wiktionnaire, MediaWiki ou autres), un créateur de contenu libre
> ou un consommateur, nous recevrons avec plaisir votre proposition pour une
> session lors de Wikimania 2017.
> *dates importantes*
> Appel aux propositions ouvert : 2 février 2017
> Date limite de soumission des présentations (conférence, panneau, table
> ronde et atelier) : *15 avril 2017*
> Date limite de soumission des brefs exposés, affiches et réunions
> d’oiseaux de la même plume : 15 mai 2017.
> Notification d’acceptation des présentations : 20 avril 2017
> Notification d’acceptation des brefs exposés, affiches et réunions
> d’oiseaux de la même plume : 10 juin 2017
> *Types de soumissions & Comment soumettre: *https://wikimania2017.
> *Des questions ?* Merci de contacter le Comité du programme par
> wikimania-program(à)
> ----
> Whether you are a community member of one of the Wikimedia projects (such
> as Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikidata, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons,
> Wiktionary, MediaWiki or others), or a fellow open content creator or
> consumer, we welcome your proposal for a session at Wikimania 2017.
> *Important dates*
> Call for proposals opens: February 2, 2017
> Deadline for submitting presentation (lecture, panel, roundtable and
> workshop) submissions: *April 10, 2017*
> Deadline for submitting lightning talks, poster, and birds of a feather
> submissions: May 15, 2017
> Notification of acceptance for presentations: April 20, 2017
> Notification of acceptance for lightning talks, poster and birds of a
> feather submissions: June 10, 2017
> *Submission types & how to submit:* https://wikimania2017.
> *Any questions?* Please contact the Programme Committee at
> wikimania-program at

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