Thank you for this report.

For the record, I note that I continue to object to what I consider to be
inadequate transparency regarding WMF's finances and my deep skepticism
that there are laws that prohibit a significantly greater degree of
transparency. There may be some quirks of California law with which I am
unfamiliar, but it's safe to say that based on my current knowledge of how
much data government agencies publish about their finances and personnel
practices, and the degree to which I feel that transparency is good for
deterring and detecting questionable uses of funds, that if I was on the
WMF Board then I would be pushing strongly for greater openness about WMF's
finances, and I question whether the Board is being given full and candid
advice by staff regarding this matter. Because of potential conflicts of
interest with current staff, this is a matter on which I would advise the
Board to consult outside counsel.

( )

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 5:03 PM, Tony Le <> wrote:

> *---- Sending on behalf of Jaime Villagomez ----Hello Everyone, The
> Wikimedia Foundation has submitted our annual Form 990 to the US Internal
> Revenue Service <>
> (IRS) and posted on-wiki[1]. The Form 990 is the annual financial
> reporting, known as an “information return,” which the federal government
>  requires nonprofit organizations in the United States to file. In addition
> to posting the Form 990 on-wiki, we have also posted an accompanying page
> with answers to frequently asked questions related to the form and
> information we reported[2]. Almost all financial reports by their very
> nature can be confusing, so to add clarity here is a simple breakdown of
> key disclosures this form covers. We have previously explained that the
> applicable dates for information disclosed on our financial reports can be
> confusing, given that our July 1 fiscal year is different from the January
> 1 calendar year. For example, this "2016 Form 990" covers the financial
> activities of the Wikimedia Foundation for our  2016-2017 fiscal year,
> which ran from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. However, the calendar year
> applies to disclosure of compensation of our officers, key employees,
> highest paid staff and independent contractors.  Those disclosures are
> based on payments made during the 2016 calendar year -- in other words,
> compensation paid from January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2106. The
> compensation paid to individuals that is disclosed therefore spans part of
> Foundation’s 2015-2016 fiscal year and part of its 2016-2017 fiscal
> year. The Wikimedia Foundation's total revenue in our  fiscal year
> 2016-2017 was US $89,973,967. Our total expenses during  this period were
> US $69,076,192 and our total net assets at the end of the fiscal year were
> US $113,330,197.The Form 990 also includes information about compensation
> paid to the Wikimedia Foundation's five highest paid employees. The
> salaries for all paid positions are set according to salary bands which are
> determined bi-annually based on independent third party survey data[3].
> Executive salaries are subject to this same standard. All executive
> salaries, with the exception of the Executive Director's salary, are set by
> the Executive Director, using the survey data, and in discussion with the
> Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees also uses the independent third
> party survey data, as well as comparative data from other nonprofit
> organizations, to set the salary of the Executive Director, and to assess
> and advise on other executive salaries. This is not only a best practice,
> but is a process that is required under applicable law.In addition to
> salary information, the report includes other payments made to certain of
> the highest employees upon their departure from the organization -- even
> where those departures may have occurred in 2016, but prior to the
> Foundation’s fiscal year. Following our regular practice for staff
> departures, these severance amounts are set on a case-by-case based on a
> person's tenure with the organization. We recognize that people have an
> interest in this topic, and that there will be some questions. However, as
> an employer we are limited in what we can discuss publicly, both because of
> legal requirements, as well as respect for employees’ confidentiality. We
> are very transparent about executive payments, while ensuring that our
> transparency is consistent with a respectful work environment that does not
> violate the confidential personnel information of our staff.Through reports
> and discussions like these, the Wikimedia Foundation will continue to
> strive to provide a responsible level of transparency and accountability. I
> imagine there are other questions, and I invite you to review the on-wiki
> FAQ[2], or email me if your question is not answered there.Thank you to the
> Foundation's Talent & Culture, Legal, Advancement and Communications
> departments for their assistance with developing this year's Form 990 and
> related communications. A very big thank you to our Finance and
> Administration department for their hard work preparing this important
> public filing. Jaime VillagomezChief Financial Officer* *[1] Link to PDF
> <
> 2016%E2%80%932017_fiscal_year>*
> *[2] Link to FAQ
> <
> information/2016_Wikimedia_Foundation_Form_990_Frequently_Asked_Questions
> >*
> *[3]
> <>*
> --
> Tony Le
> Wikimedia Foundation
> Ph: 415-839-6885 ext 6749
> Fax:  415-882-0495
> *We've moved!  **Our new address:*
> Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
> 1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600
> San Francisco, CA 94104
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> protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please
> telephone or email the sender and delete this message and any attachment
> from your system; you must not copy or disclose the contents of this
> message or any attachment to any other person.
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