Congrats Charlotte and WMFr for everything you have done and achieved in
such a short period of time. A truly impressive and meaningful
accomplishment and demonstration of the capacity of Wikimedians to use the
movement's tools and ethos to effect positive change.

On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:04 PM <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> As we reflected on our Wikimedia Conference experience and as we just got
> an answer from the FDC, which we thank warmly, the Wikimédia France Board
> thought we should give you an update on our current situation.
> Since September 2017, the newly elected Board and the staff have dedicated
> their energy to the improvement of the governance and an organizational
> restructuring. We would like to share with the community all the efforts
> that have been made during the last 8 months in order to restore confidence
> and to rebuild Wikimédia France.
> First steps
> The first steps we took were:
> * Reopening communication channels with our members;
> * Having two general assemblies[1][2] and widely renewing the Board;
> * Successfully completing the Grant expectations process[3] which had been
> set by WMF during the 2017 crisis at Wikimédia France;
> * Governance review by external auditors (report will be published soon);
> * Constant discussions with WMF.
> Major staff restructuring
> Since then, a major staff reorganization and a transition to a flatter
> organization have taken place.
> The two employees at the head of the organization(Executive Director and
> Deputy Executive Director) of the Association in 2017 left Wikimédia France
> (WMFr) in the last quarter of the year.
> In order to work on the reorganizing, during the second half of 2017, the
> Board conducted individual interviews with all employees to establish a
> general state of the organization and to collect ideas for WMFr's and its
> staff's future. With those elements in hand, and after several months
> reflecting and observing how the Association functioned in the absence of
> salaried management, the Board came to the conclusion that the team's
> maturity and relative autonomy made possible a less hierarchical
> organization than the classical one (i.e. “Board / Executive Director /
> staff”). It has been decided to carry out an internal reorganization of the
> team, without further recruitment to replace the Directors.
> The new organization unfolds as follows[4]. The Board stays in charge of
> managing the Association, whilst proceeding to two delegations of power: a
> delegation to Resources and an operational delegation, each receiving part
> of the Employer's liability and part of strategic functions. The Board
> occupies its role in strategy and budget matters, and also reserves the
> right of final decision for all sensitive Employer competencies (like
> decisions of dismissal, sanction or recruitment). Our goal here is twofold:
> to no longer concentrate all responsibilities in the hands of only one
> person and to minimize the risk of having the Board disempowered by
> depriving it of its right (and duty) to take fundamental decisions.
> In addition to these HR and Operational delegations of power, he Board is
> also considering implementing a Financial delegation of power, able to
> bring together the skills of an accountant and a chartered accountant
> within the internal staff. This would lead, in the medium term, to an
> organization presenting as a four-headed structure: Human Resources,
> Operations , Finances and Board — all of these under the control of the
> General Assembly.
> To fill the two new positions created, the Board has decided to choose two
> staff members whom it trusts and whose qualities it has had the opportunity
> to observe in the past few months: Cindy David for the HR part and Rémy
> Gerbet for the Operational part. Being aware that an organization without
> salaried direction is not without difficulties, the Board has decided to
> begin with a three-month probationary period, during which the work of the
> two appointees will be evaluated, as well as the ability of the Board
> itself to properly fulfil its role. At the end of these three months, a
> first assessment will be made and the new organization will be either
> validated, abandoned, or tested for three more months before final
> decision. In order to implement this new organization, our staff will be
> provided, if need be, with professional training.
> The new structure now counts 8 FTEs, including a newly hired Junior
> Fundraiser position, instead of 11 in 2017. We are confident that this new
> structure is well suited to bring Wikimédia France forward effectively.
> The reorganizing of the team also comes with a complete overhaul of the
> salary grid[5][6].
> Relying on the global Movement
> Our Chair, Vice-Chair and Operational Coordinator took part in the
> Wikimedia Conference. This was an amazing opportunity to learn, to work on
> the strategy, to develop partnerships and, perhaps more importantly, to
> strengthen our relationships with the numerous organizations and
> individuals that constitute the Wikimedia movement.
> We were especially glad to have the opportunity to attend the first
> meeting of affiliates without Executive Director (France, Italy, New York
> City, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine), which was a first promising step towards a
> fruitful collaboration. We benefitted from their feedback regarding their
> organizational experience and we hope we will soon be able to offer a
> sustainable alternative model to an ED-based organization.
> Looking to the future
> On top of all this efforts, we are looking to the future:
> * We have submitted our proposal to the FDC[7], with a positive
> feedback[8]. We took into account the criticisms of the last two years,
> notably by drastically reducing the amount requested from the FDC (-236,000
> €). We are really glad that the FDC gave such consideration to our efforts
> and we sincerely thank them.
> * Although very busy with our internal projects, we do not forget that we
> are part of the Wikimedia movement. We intend to allocate time to attend
> Wikimania, Wikimedia Conference, Executive Directors and Chairpersons
> meetings, Big Fat Meeting and to be involved in the elaboration of
> Wikimedia 2030 strategy.
> * The chapter's governance has been fully reviewed by two teams of
> external auditors. A governance review report will be published and
> discussed with our community[9]. First major changes are due for the next
> general assembly at the end of 2018.
> The last few months were not easy. However, moral support and help from
> the Wikimedia movement and its wish that Wikimédia France would become a
> successful chapter again helped us find the energy to overcome the many
> challenges we had to face.
> We are looking forward to the year ahead, as we strengthen our
> organization and develop efficient and impactful programs and would like to
> thank our members, the Wikimedia Foundation, the affiliates, and all the
> individual people who supported us during these difficult times.
> Thank you,
> Charlotte Matoussowsky
> Vice-chair of Wikimédia France
>  <>
> --------
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9] Links to this report will be provided shortly.
> ---
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