Thanks for this great plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major
or overall aim - regarding the sum of all knowledge. I enjoyed your podcast
in particular. (Seems like in the 'united states of whatebber' per your
Twitter photo, Nicole - - that tactics, by
way of comparison, have been very significant thus far in the Wikimedia

(In that CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University & School donated itself
to Wikidata in 2015, and received WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017 as a
consequence, am curious if WUaS would be considered an affiliate per these
email addressees above, or what?)

I have questions relating mostly to "the sum of all knowledge" goal of
Wikipedia -

epistemology questions - How does or will Wikimedia / Wikipedia / Wikidata
approach academic knowledge, eg in the ~32 departments in MIT OCW, for
example, in particular, in this strategizing - and per information
technology as a new aspect of knowledge generation?

linguistic questions - How will Wikidata approach its ~300 languages in
becoming a platform for academic linguistic departments, and regarding the
sum of all knowledge (and eventually all 7,111 known living languages)? ...
and also regarding the Wikidata lexicographical project.

questions, brainstorming and knowledge-wise, about
'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy' as a new social science and STEM method
... how could Wikipedians and others begin to develop this wiki project in
the Wikidata / Wikimedia ecosystem?

questions about planning for all 7.5 billion people in first 300 languages,
and then in all 7,111 known living languages, as Wikipedia wiki editors,
curators, knowledge generators? It seems that these potentially 7.5 billion
people on the planet earth are most remarkable as generators of "the sum of
knowledge." How is Wikipedia planning for all these 'knowledge generators'?

(see blog 'label' regarding 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy' in this blog

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 9:44 AM Nicole Ebber <>

> Hi everyone,
> We’re in week 4 of community conversations about the movement strategy
> recommendations. Thank you to everyone who has already taken part. The
> community conversations will continue until Friday, February 21 - you
> can get involved on Meta[1] in Arabic, English, French, German, Hindi,
> Spanish, and Portuguese, strategize with your community or
> organization, or send the core team your feedback to
> This current round of community conversations is the last opportunity
> to suggest improvements to the recommendations. They will be finalized
> before the end of March, and then published for the movement to
> understand them, reflect on what they mean in their project, local, or
> thematic context, and move into implementation.
> == Movement feedback: what happens next ==
> All feedback is being collected, reviewed and analyzed on an ongoing
> basis. Here are the  next steps after February 21:
> * Week commencing February 24: the core team will summarize all the
> feedback received in a report. You are welcome to continue commenting
> and discussing during this time, but the discussions will not be as
> closely facilitated and documented.
> * Week commencing March 2: the core team will publish the above report
> on Meta to give the movement an opportunity to review the content and
> give feedback as to whether it accurately reflects their input. The
> closing date for this is March 6. This summary report will then be
> finalized and published.
> In mid-March, the feedback from the Board of Trustees, movement
> conversations and reviewers' input will be considered in the creation
> of the final, improved set of recommendations. A rationale for things
> that have not been considered will be provided, too. Our aim is to
> have the recommendations finalized and published in late March. More
> about the actual integration work coming soon.
> == Video and podcast about our work; one-pager ==
> Members of the core team - Tanveer Hasan, Information and Knowledge
> Liaison, and Mehrdad Pourzaki, Information and Knowledge Manager -
> recently held a presentation about all the recommendations at the
> Wikimedia Foundation All Hands. They provide a quick, concise overview
> of every recommendation and also some insight into how each was
> developed. Video of the presentation [2] and the presentation slides
> [3] are now on Commons.
> Jan Ainali has interviewed me for his podcast Wikipedia Podden. I’m
> speaking with him about the past, present and future of movement
> strategy[4].
> The one-pager created by Andrew Lih (User:Fuzheado) has been very
> popular. Again, a big thank you to Andrew for putting this together.
> In addition to Arabic, English, and Hindi versions, it is now also
> available in Farsi [5, 6].
> == Meeting notes from the office hours  ==
> We have published a condensed summary of the meeting notes [7] from
> the office hours that were held by the core team on Thursday, January
> 30. The notes provide an overview of the key points and questions that
> were raised during the two calls as well as summaries of the
> responses.
> == Do you have further questions? ==
> Members of the core team will join the upcoming Wikimedia Café on
> February 15 [8], which will focus on the movement strategy
> recommendations. The Wikimedia Café is a community-led meeting hosted
> by User:Pine and User:Bluerasberry, and we are happy to take part and
> help answer any questions people may have about the recommendations.
> Additionally, if you are looking for more information about any of the
> above topics or about the movement strategy in general, take a look at
> our FAQ section [9].
> Happy weekend,
> Nicole
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> --
> Nicole Ebber
> Leiterin Internationale Beziehungen
> Program Manager Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy
> Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
> Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
> Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der alle Menschen am Wissen der
> Menschheit teilhaben, es nutzen und mehren können. Helfen Sie uns
> dabei!
> Wikimedia Deutschland — Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.
> V. Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts
> Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig
> anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin,
> Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
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