Reminder: the Wikimedia Clinic calls experiment is about to begin. The
first calls are scheduled for:

   - Monday, June 15th, 17:30 (5:30pm) UTC, and this is the Google Meet link
   <>. Link to a WorldTimeBuddy event
   for timezone convenience
   - Wednesday, June 17th, 08:00am UTC, and this is the Google Meet link
   <>. Link to a WorldTimeBuddy event
   for timezone convenience

Remember, there's no set agenda and no particular preparation needed.  Feel
free to join us with anything *Wikimedia-related* you'd like to ask, or get
feedback on, or just to hang out.

Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)

Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities

Wikimedia Foundation <>

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!

On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 12:28 AM Asaf Bartov <> wrote:

> Dear Wikimedians,
> In these complex times of pandemic, and the coming complex times of
> post-pandemic, live human contact with fellow Wikimedians, even mediated
> through a video call, can be helpful, relaxing, and fun.  It can also offer
> opportunities to ask questions you have been meaning to ask but never got
> around to, or to explain complex situations that may be hard to articulate
> in writing.
> To better support members of the community during this time, the Community
> Development team at the Wikimedia Foundation is interested in trying an
> experiment: scheduling open video calls (using Google Meet) where any
> active Wikimedian would be welcome to attend and ask questions or ask for
> advice about whatever Wikimedia-related goal or problem they're working on.
> You can also just share what you're working on and invite feedback, even
> if you don't have a specific question. Or people can just connect to hang
> out, or to offer their own experience to the people asking questions.
> We are thinking of calling these calls Wikimedia Clinics, and would host
> them once a week (in alternating time zones, to accommodate as many people
> as possible).
> Each clinic session:
> * would be 70-120 minutes in length depending on topics presented and
> volume of conversation
> * would have at least two Wikimedia Foundation staff members guaranteed to
> be present. They are not guaranteed to have the answers you need, but they
> are committed to helping you get them, even if not during the call itself,
> but as later follow-up.
> * would be summarized in an in-depth *digest* of the call that would be
> edited for clarity and available to all volunteers interested. These notes
> would link to any tools and resources mentioned on the call and will be
> shared on this mailing list and archived on Meta[0].
> These calls are *not* replacing any existing channels or
> regularly-scheduled calls!  Every channel or call you are already using
> continues to exist.  No important announcements will be made on these
> calls, and no one should feel stressed or obligated to attend them.
> Rather, they are a new form of live-communication open support calls, less
> narrow in focus than some of the existing channels (where only specific
> topics are expected), and, we hope, more approachable and welcoming for
> people not sure whether their question or dilemma is appropriate for one of
> the other channels.
> If these calls are found useful, we'll try to offer them in some other
> languages, to increase access to those not comfortable speaking English.
> So, let's give this a try!  The first two calls are scheduled for:
> Monday, June 15th, 17:30 (5:30pm) UTC, and this is the Google Meet link[1].
> Link to a WorldTimeBuddy event for timezone convenience[2].
> and
> Wednesday, June 17th, 08:00am UTC, and this is the Google Meet link[3].
> Link to a WorldTimeBuddy event for timezone convenience[4].
> Remember, there's no set agenda and no particular preparation needed.
> Feel free to join us with anything Wikimedia-related that's on your mind,
> or just to hang out.
> Feedback and questions welcome.
> Cheers,
>     Asaf
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
> Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
> Wikimedia Foundation <>
> Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
> sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
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