Dear colleagues,

This is to let you know that:

1. on July 6th I was named into the Advisory Commission to the Republic of 
Tatarstan President on the Matters of Preservation and Strengthening Tatar 
language vitality (Presidential decree in both Russian and Tatar, state languages of the 
Republic) - a voluntary body consisting of regional executive and legislative 
government members, various recognized academicians, writers and community 
members, shown as Wikimedia Russia member.

2. ahead of the first in-person meeting (tomorrow, July 15th, on the premises 
of the Republic's Parliament), I prepared and shared in Russian the following: (full text available in English below, copied 
to Commission secretary).
* (I) my personal current understanding of the appropriate survival niches for 
non-dominant languages in the digital era &
* (II) Wikimedia community best practices that can be applied by our worldwide 
stakeholders for strengthening their language position if their context is 
somewhat similar.


P.S. I do hope that respective undertaking might also be of benefit to other 
Russia and internationally based non-dominant language communities, as majority 
of Tatar's speakers reside outside of the Republic, where the language enjoys 
some public support.
P.P.S. Coincidentally, all this happened in the process of preparation towards 
Celtic Knot 2020 Online-only Wikimedia Language Conference - 
our Russian Wikinews report was published today

Farhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин Тел.+79274158066 / 
skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan / Wikidata:Q34036417

I. Content niche analysis for non-dominant languages of the planet.

Country, cultural or language borders don't matter much in digital era. 
Irrespective of where one lives, a language which is neither national, regional 
auxiliary or international working language can only be preserve own importance 
for humans as a channel for consuming various digital content on personal 
* fishing and gardening, knitting and popular science, cartoons, football or 
haut couture fashion ...
* entertainment by various social, political and glamour activists and clowns 
from around the world
* choosing where to go for vacation or what to do on the weekend with friends 
or guests wherever you live (Moscow, New York, etc.)

Conscious public use of some non-dominant language to demonstrate belonging to 
some ethnocultural entity is only likely when the speaker is proud of one's 
specific identity (i.e. it is prestigious somewhere, is a basis for some 
positive discrimination).

II. Wikimedia community best practices and possible measures to strengthen 
Tatar (and other non-dominant language position) within the niche described in 

Generating useful and exciting contemporary content in some specific language 
is key for preservation of its use in digital domains. But the possibility of 
reusing it easily and widely (without the obstacles of archaic copyright 
system) might be even more important, thus possible steps would be:

1. to extend CC-BY use to all Tatar content generated or published using 
Tatarstan's regional budget — adopted this in September 2018 
(official news reprinting part of Russian Wikinews article at )

2. to study possibilities of retrospective release of whatever is still 
"copyright locked" (all content in museums, books, magazines, schools, 
encyclopedias etc.) — 2018 case with Russia's first paper encyclopedia , 2011 case with Kazakh Encyclopedia

3. to apply international experience of running contests and initiating 
projects around Wikimedia content creation or improvement (as part of Wikimedia 
Education, collaboration with various cultural institutions) — Basque and Welsh 
community experiences for secondary education would be 
particularly applicable (latter currently in English only, will dubb it into 
Russian soon), see first steps in Tatarstan at

4. to use Wikidata offered opportunities to assure Tatarstan's e-gov services 
availability in all supported languages of the planet, and then help promoting 
such an approach to make all countries' and their regional e-gov services 
available in Tatar as well — no such examples just yet, but this knowledge base 
is in public domain (СС0 legal license), thus it can be not only edited, but 
also downloaded and then used autonomously in full or in part (keeping in mind 
for e-system security needs).

Note: Wikidata and Wikipedia support various alphabets. A number of Wikipedia 
language sections, including Kazakh, offer a choice of Arabic, Cyrillic or 
Latin script for content presentation (automatic transliteration).

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